CV Marq Foundation: Mission, Vision and Values

The Fundación Comunitat Valenciana MARQ, is a cultural and scientific non-profit organisation, with its own legal personality and headquarters in the building of the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante, owned by the Provincial Council of Alicante, constituted in 2001 as a modern management formula to complement and facilitate the work of the Museum. It has been entrusted with the management of this public service by the Provincial Corporation of Alicante for the exploitation and use of its facilities, as well as the sites and monuments under its responsibility, and the cultural service agreed by its Statutes.


Its founding members are the Diputación Provincial de Alicante, the Generalitat Valenciana, the Ayuntamiento de Alicante, the extinct CAM and Caja Murcia (today Fundación Caja Murcia), as well as the Ministry of Culture of the Spanish Government, the Ayuntamiento de Calp and prominent personalities from the social, cultural and academic spheres.



The aims of the Fundación CV MARQ are the acquisition, conservation, restoration, research, exhibition and dissemination of Valencian Historical-Cultural Heritage and, in particular, that of the province of Alicante, comprising real estate, objects, remains and any other signs of human manifestations that have historical, artistic, archaeological, paleontological, ethnological, documentary, bibliographical, scientific or technical value.


Similarly, archaeological sites and areas, as well as natural sites, gardens and parks that have artistic, historical or anthropological value and all cultural, educational and other actions related to them, and, uniquely, the activities to be carried out by the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante.

Our main mission is to direct this Historical-Cultural Heritage to a wide and diverse audience, in order to contribute to the knowledge and enjoyment of heritage, archaeology, history and the values that these disciplines represent.


Vision for the Future

The Vision that will preside over the actions of the Fundación CV MARQ is formulated in the following terms:


To contribute to MARQ's consolidation as a European leader in innovation and in the creation of visitor-centred cultural and museum experiences.


The development of the aims of the Fundación CV MARQ will be carried out through direct collaboration with the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante in the acquisition, conservation and restoration of assets that have the values of the Valencian Cultural Heritage as well as in the promotion of research, exhibition and dissemination of the same, through a wide programme of actions and activities, cultural and technical advice to town councils, museums and other institutions and public and private entities, in the realisation of projects of all kinds, aimed at the dissemination, promotion and popularisation of history, archaeology and cultural heritage, through the organisation of exhibitions, meetings, conferences, seminars and courses; the publication and dissemination of studies, articles and reports arising from the activities listed above, as well as any others of a scientific and informative nature, by means of publications and any other means deemed appropriate.



The CV Marq Foundation maintains a set of Values that define its philosophy and govern its actions:


-Sensitivity and respect for history, cultural heritage and archaeology.

We work with sensitivity to the vestiges of the material culture of the different civilisations and peoples that have populated Alicante and respect for the rest of the cultures that humanity has known throughout history, and this presides over our actions.


From this premise we extend our activity to society as a whole, thus democratising all the activities we promote, allowing any social group to benefit from them and, although business criteria are applied in our management plans, we never lose sight of the fact that we work with something that is part of humanity's heritage and has an intangible value that imposes a high level of demand.


-Integration with the cultural community

We contribute to the enrichment of the cultural activity of the province of Alicante, within the framework of the cultural strategies of the Provincial Council of Alicante, the Generalitat Valenciana and other public administrations and institutions with competences.


The Foundation wishes to be another element of dynamism and encounter that integrates not only other cultural institutions, but also other projects and initiatives, joining efforts to favour the maximum diversity and activity of the cultural community closest to us.


-Commitment to quality

The success of our work is linked to excellence in management and this obliges us to work with quality.


Turespaña has certified that our CV Marq Foundation has reached the Higher Cycle of Monitoring and Renewal (the highest existing level) in the SICTED, Integral System of Tourism Quality in Destination. And in September 2018, the Fundación C.V. MARQ has obtained from the ICTE the Q for Tourist Quality in the UNE: 302002 Standard. Museums, for visitor services, being the first museum in our country to obtain it, with a score of 9.8 out of 10.


-Customer orientation

Our clients are all citizens and their satisfaction is our only guarantee for the future. Keeping their diversity in mind and orienting our work towards their satisfaction is our main priority.


The CV MARQ Foundation is pioneer in the implementation of accessibility and social responsibility programmes in our country.We are a public service, transparent and open to all people regardless of their level of education, social background or level of ability. Different types of visitors have a changing nature and their needs are changing. Identifying their expectations and satisfying them, as well as anticipating their requirements are the best way to achieve a high degree of satisfaction.


-Didactic orientation

Our first commitment is to facilitate the public's approach to culture and, in particular, to heritage, archaeology and history.


Each project we undertake requires a review of the pedagogical task. The Fundación CV MARQ has a clear vocation as an educational institution, which it promotes on a daily basis through its Didactic, Accessibility and Social Responsibility Unit; therefore, each programme requires questioning the techniques, materials and environments that imply an open, interdisciplinary and as interactive as possible educational experience, when transmitting information, knowledge and knowledge, with the aim of broadening humanistic horizons and serving as a personal enrichment for our visitors.


-Commitment to society

We try to be an example of Alicante's vitality and to promote, through its history, ethical conduct.


A cultural action that has been an important factor of economic revitalisation and social incentive, since the fundamental task of the CV MARQ Foundation is to serve as an instrument for the dissemination of heritage, archaeology and history in our society, educating through culture in the values of tolerance, openness and respect.


-Confidence in people

We promote participatory work based on honesty, humility, trust, integrity and responsibility, fostering values of freedom and respect for the individual.


Teamwork, participatory culture and self-demand are values that have become firmly rooted in our different work teams, whose professional experience translates into efficient proposals and initiatives that obey our responsibility to promote the values that should preside over all our actions. They provide the drive and motivation to lead our institution to the fulfilment of its commitments.

-Responsible organisation and promoter of equal opportunities for people in their diversity.

The CV Marq Foundation strives to behave ethically and socially, respecting equal opportunities for people in all their diversity, favouring a work-life balance and always acting from a gender perspective.