Pupils from Eusebio Sempere Primary School in Alicante receive the prize for the winning story in the competition "A MARQ of Stories".

One of the most interesting educational programmes offered by the Didactic Unit of the MARQ Foundation, in which nearly 20,000 schoolchildren from our province and the rest of the country have participated since 2007, is the one called "...".The stories of MARQ".. A project that allows our youngest visitors to get to know, value and respect their local heritage in a fun way.

At the 13th edition of The MARQ Tales One of the winning stories was "En tiempos de Covid...Gracias!, created by the 5th grade students of the C.P. Eusebio Sempere de Alicante. It goes through aspects of our history delving into archaeology and its methods, joining it to the experiences lived with the Covid 19. A great story. In the words of our Vice President Julia Parra, who also chaired the jury of the awards last year.

The prize consisted of the publication of the story and yesterday we went to Eusebio Sempere to give it to each of the pupils in the 5th grade class, their teacher and the Headmistress of the school, along with another for their library.

Congratulations to all the award winners for their fantastic work.

The Didactics, Accessibility and PR Unit of the Fundación C.V. MARQ