As every year, MARQ will dedicate this summer period to our youngest friends with an exciting proposal: an exciting journey to ancient Greece! We anticipate that there will be interesting activities where you can learn about many aspects of Greek life: art, sport, daily life, games, gods, myths,...
One of the star activities this summer is the DRAWING COMPETITION: "THE TABAS" to put your creativity and imagination to the test as you will become "Greek sculptors". You will have to "recompose" one of the incomplete sculptures on display in the MARQ galleries, imagining it in its original composition. Here's a hint...: the scene consisted of two children playing cards. ...... And that's as far as I can read!
This competition has two levels:
- 8 to 10 years.
- 11 to 14 years.
There is a first prize for each age group, sponsored by Cajamurcia and consisting of:
- A weekend in a hotel in La Manga del Mar Menor for the winner and his/her parents, and in addition,
- A trip to the Roman Theatre of Cartagena for the class of the school in which the winner is enrolled.
You can submit your drawings from 30 June until 28 August at MARQ. And as the great artists that we are sure you are, your work will be exhibited in the museum. The best of you will have a place of honour, like the ancient Greek athletes, in the Club Llumiq magazine and in La Tiza.
When will you know who the winner is? Well, when school starts again, in mid-September, and then we will all celebrate the prize-giving ceremony together at MARQ.
This summer you can also, if you have not already done so with your school or institute, visit the exhibitions "The Beauty of the Body. Art and Thought in Ancient Greece" and "Greek Traces in Iberian Contestania". Nearly 3,000 students have already enjoyed the magnificent pieces, including the Discobolus and the Iberian Sphinxes of Agost. So that you can better understand the content of the exhibitions, the Didactic Office of the MARQ has prepared two guides with information and activities that even allow you to evaluate yourselves and achieve the maximum score to receive THE OLIVE TREE CROWN, the highest award of an athlete.
Oh, I forgot, all participants in the Museum's Summer Campaign will receive a record that Cajamurcia has created for you and you will become a Discobolo, like the thousands of students who have visited the MARQ so far.
Plaza Doctor Gomez Ulla s/n
03013 Alicante
Tlf: 965149000
[email protected]
CLUB LLUMIQ tel: 965149000. Ext: 7104, 7116,7227 y 7101-
[email protected]