On the occasion of the celebration of International Museum Day 2018 on 18 May, the University of Murcia has organised the 1st Conference on Museology, Museography and Cultural Heritage on "Museums of the 21st century". A series of lectures in which the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortés, took part yesterday. In his conference "What if we made a new museum?" he spoke about the important role that museums are called to play in the society of the 21st century, urging to make them open, accessible, integrating spaces, transmitters of experiences and knowledge, which also adapt their proposals and contents to the new languages in this digital era, in order to remain socially connected. In line with the new museology that defends the necessary connection of a multitude of disciplines as part of the museum, not as individual programmes or projects. A trail that MARQ has been following since it began its journey in the old provincial hospital of Alicante, which has become a great cultural dynamiser.
This meeting was conceived as a space for debate between the University, museum institutions and future art historians and museum managers to seek new proposals to redefine the museum in today's society and its responsibility in the conservation, protection and dissemination of cultural heritage.