The author of LUCENTUM , National Sculpture Prize " Living Culture " 2017


The Alicante sculptor and Doctor of Fine Arts Vicente Ferrero has been awarded the National Sculpture Prize. "Living Culture" awarded by the Spanish National Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí(CESIC). The "Living Culture" is a prestigious award reserved for institutions or personalities with an exemplary track record in the service of any kind of cultural, scientific andfica, artíThe prize-giving ceremony will take place at the end of each year. The prize-giving ceremony will take place at the end of each year.á place in the nextThe maximum díon 30 June, at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid.úsica de Madrid.

The artist from Bañeres has created twenty-five monuments, among which are the followingíThe most outstanding is the one dedicated to the Moors and Christians Festival, in Ibi, the monumental Pantheon of "Azorin de Monóvar, the monument to the MúThe works he has produced include the San Vicente del Raspeig Music Festival, the Toy Centenary in Ibi, the Labour Festival in Alcoy, the Jaime I Festival in Petrel, and the Treaty of Almizrra Festival. Among his most important works areúThe following should be mentioned "Looking out to sea"on Postiguet Beach in Alicante, or the four sculptures on Almadraba Beach in El Campello.

His work isá represented in some of the world's most important museums.áMost relevant in the Comunidad Valenciana: Bellas Artes San Pío V, of Valencia; Bellas Artes, of Alicante; Arte Contemporáneo, of Valencia (IVAM); Museo de Escultura "Enrique Giner"of Nules (Castellón) and in Vilafamés (Castellón)