The MARQ will launch, for yet another year, the archaeological excavation programme at eight enclaves of the province. The campaign, which has been approved by the Diputación de Alicante, will start on 28 June in the Tossal de Manises and has a budget of 130,000 euros for the development of research work. The objective is to contribute to the enhancement and preservation of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the province.
The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia ParraFor the second consecutive year and following the indications of the authorities due to the pandemic situation, the MARQ's excavation plan includes an action protocol for the development of the archaeological activity which consists, among other measures, of a reduction in the number of volunteers to comply with the capacity and distances and the provision of equipment and tools for individual use". The deputy emphasised that, with the application of these measures, there were no incidents last year.
For his part, the director of MARQ, Manuel OlcinaHe explained that the excavation programme "is part of the museum's research activity, which is oriented towards the development of cutting-edge projects that allow us to learn about important new developments for the knowledge of the ancient civilisations of our past, from prehistory to the late Middle Ages and both on land and underwater sites". This activity is subsequently disseminated in scientific circles and to society as a whole through informative publications, conferences and exhibitions to contribute to cultural enrichment.
Through the Excavation Plan 2021, the team of archaeologists of the MARQ will intervene at the sites of La Illeta dels Banyets in El Campello, the Tossal de Manises in Alicante, the Pobla d'Ifac in Calp, La Cova de L'Or in Beniarrés, the Randero Cave of Pedreguer, the Slopes of the Castle of Callosa de Segura, the Cabezo del Molino in Rojales and the underwater archaeological map of Las Marinas in Teulada/Moraira and Benitachell.
Illeta dels Banyets in El Campello
Directed by Manuel Olcina, Rafael Pérez and Adoración MartínezThis performance will start on 1 July and will continue for five weeks with a maximum number of ten volunteers and with the aim of tackling the lower levels of the esplanade of the piletas, in the south-western quarter of the Punic settlement.
The Tossal de Manises in Alicante
The project will consist of the excavation of the access road to the ancient cities of this enclave, under the direction of Manuel Olcina, Eva Tendero, Antonio Guilabert and Rafael Pérez. Five volunteers will work during five weeksas of 28 Juneto finalise the intervention focused on the remains of the proteichism discovered in 2020, and on the construction phases of the Domus of the Eastern Gate, proceeding to the consolidation of the exhumed remains and their preparation for the definitive musealisation.
Pobla d'Ifac of Calp
As part of the 17th campaign of interventions in the Penyal d'Ifac Natural Park, the 1 July work will begin on the analyses and studies for the drafting of the scientific report for the four years of the 2018-2021 Research Plan. In addition, under the supervision of José Luis MenéndezThe emergency consolidation of the archaeological areas of the site will continue to be monitored with a view to their preservation.
Cova de L'Or (Cave of L'Or) in Beniarrés
A mid-August work will start in this area of El Comtat with Consuelo Roca de Togores and Jorge Soler at the forefront. During two weeks, four volunteers excavation work will be undertaken in an area of the main hall and in the crack of the entrance area with the aim of documenting, with more current methodology, the levels of use as a Neolithic sanctuary, as well as corroborating its use as a burial place, evaluating the chronology of the burials.
Cova del Randero de Pedreguer
The works in the Cova del Randero, also directed by Roca de Togores y SolerThe aim is to complete the excavation of the Neolithic levels in two areas of the interior room to document occupation activities and possible funerary uses, as well as the Palaeolithic levels to corroborate the use of the interior of the cave as a habitat during the Upper Magdalenian period. The campaign will begin on 30 August with five volunteers and will continue for two weeks.
The Cabezo del Molino in Rojales
This intervention will begin on 30 Augustwith between three and six volunteers directed along three weeks by Juan Antonio López Padilla and Mª Teresa Ximénez de Embún. The team plans to carry out a field activity with continuity in the tasks initiated in the previous campaign, while the opening of new boreholes and the mechanical removal of accumulated soil is planned.
Slopes of the Castle of Callosa de Segura
In this space of the Vega Baja, supervised by López PadillaIn addition, profiles will be cleaned and samples will be collected for archaeometric studies, and open areas will be filled in and filled in to preserve the site. The actions will be carried out on the last week of September and will be supported by five volunteers.
Underwater archaeological map of Las Marinas
Rafael Azuar will be in charge of the project to update the archaeological map of the underwater cultural heritage of the Las Marinas area, which includes the coast of Teulada/Moraira and El Poble Nou de Benitatxell. Six volunteers shall carry out the survey during four weeksbetween september and octoberfor documentation, inventory or drawing work and subsequent reporting.