The MARQ discovers in the Cova del Randero human remains and objects associated with funerary rites more than 4,500 years old.





   The X Summer Excavation Campaign of the Randero Cave,in Pedreguerhas come to an end. The work, in which twenty volunteers from the universities of Alicante, Valencia, León, Pamplona and Belfast (United Kingdom) took part, has enabled discovering human remains and materials associated with funerary ritesThe oldest of which dates back to the year 2700 BCThe cave's deepest part was no longer inhabited and was converted into a necropolis.

         Among the most relevant pieces located in the interior room is one of the most important ones. fifteen flint arrowheads perfectly made and without any wear on their blades, a fact that reveals that they were produced to accompany the deceasedThe project director, who is also a member of the project team, said that they believe they may need to make use of them in the afterlife. In this regard, the project manager, Jorge A. Solerexplained that "these objects could be part of the offerings that the inhabitants of the valley left with the important people of the community, typical of the end of the Neolithic period.".

         For their part, the first diagnoses of the human remains found -teeth,vertebrae and phalanges of feet and hands-carried out by the physical anthropology specialists Consuelo Roca de Togores (MARQ) and Susana Gómez (University of León), reveal an intense activity in the life of the individuals, who were no more than thirty years old, as well as a diet based mainly on the consumption of ovicaprid meat.

         In addition, during the campaign, work was also carried out in the entrance hall, where a survey in order to recognise how the cave was used by the hunters and gatherers of the valley.These are likely to have been found in a chronology centred on the Magdalenian period.

         The excavation campaign in the Cova del Randero is promoted by the Archaeological Museum of Alicante and has the support of the Pedreguer Town Councilwhich provides accommodation and technical support to the team of professionals from both MARQ and various Spanish and European universities.

         Finally, Jorge A. Soler reminded that ".during the 2015 campaign we discovered a vessel in a perfect state of preservation."and added that "The detailed study of this piece has allowed us to date it to around 4200 BC. In addition, the research has revealed its various uses as a mead container, a vessel for making food and also as a lamp for lighting a room.".