The MARQ offers an online school booking system

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has launched a online booking system through its website with the aim of facilitating the management of visits schoolchildren and of the educational workshopsto both the MARQ and its archaeological parks.

            Teachers can select the date requested, as well as the workshop to be held, via Internet. Once the reservation has been made, the museum's visit booking service will confirm the request depending on availability.

            The Member of Parliament for Culture Juan Bautista Roselló commented that "This service will allow all schools in the province of Alicante to arrange educational visits to the MARQ by means of online booking and, in addition, they will be able to find out all the details of the visit quickly and easily.". 

 This initiative, which is part of the project ".A museum for everyone"is financed by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade and the ERDF Regional Development Fund.

In addition to this system, the project includes five more actions, such as the implementation of didactic and interactive signed guides for people with hearing impairment, guides visual and auditory for older people, guides specific topics for children, guides multimedia didactics for the MARQ and its archaeological parks and the development of a iPod application which allows the visitor to receive the personalised information. Roselló added that"this technological investment will facilitate the visit to MARQ for the hearing impaired and visually impaired through multimedia guides.".

Hermitage Exhibition

These are the last days to visit the touring exhibition of "Hermitage. Treasures of Russian archaeology at MARQ"which is on show at the MARQ until16 October.

The exhibition consists of 482 objects from the St. Petersburg State Museum, belonging to the Section of the Archaeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia, the Section of the History of Russian Culture, the Section of the Ancient World and the Section of the Orient. The exhibition occupies the three rooms of the temporary exhibition area of the MARQ.


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