The Archaeological Museum of Alicante celebrates tomorrow the International Day for Monuments and Sitesdedicated to the promotion of the theory, methodology and technology applied to the conservation, protection and enhancement of cultural heritage, with free guided tours to the sites Tossal de Manises Lucentumthe Illeta dels Banyets and to the Almudaina Almohad Tower.
The Vice-President of the Provincial Council and Councillor for Culture, Julia ParraIn this way, it has sought to promote the dissemination of the archaeological sites and monuments managed by the Alicante Provincial Council. Both at Lucentum and the Illeta dels Banyets, guided tours have been set up at 11:00, 12:00 and 13.00 and at the Almudaina Tower, at 10:30 and 11:30. In all three enclosures, the health and safety measures that apply to all MARQ facilities: thermo-controlled accesses, a two-metre safety distance between people, the obligatory use of masks and hygiene elements such as hydroalcoholic gel dispensers, among other measures, as well as the limited capacityThe number of visitors was ten people in Lucentum and Illeta and four visitors in the Torre.
The theme of this year's edition is Complex Pasts, Diverse Futures'. and, under this slogan, the International Council on Monuments and Sites ICOMOS is committed to a critical examination of the past for the conservation of cultural heritage, just as its practice demands provision for the future. The World Heritage Convention (1972) states that "the deterioration or disappearance of a cultural and natural heritage property constitutes a harmful impoverishment of the heritage of all the peoples of the world" and invites us to join in this great challenge: just futures require open, tolerant and empathetic interpretations of heritage philosophy and practices in the present, beginning with self-reflection.