Father Angel, at MARQ with the Alicante volunteers


Last Friday, the MARQ hosted the presentation of the 1st Provincial Volunteer Awards, organised by the Provincial Council of Alicante. These awards aim to promote the voluntary action developed in our province through social action and volunteering entities, as well as the trajectory of people who have stood out for their voluntary work. The ceremony was attended by Father Ángel, from Mensajeros de la Paz, who was received by the managing director of the MARQ Foundation, José Alberto Cortés, and the deputy for Family and Citizenship, Mercedes Alonso. Before the event, Father Ángel visited the Museum and signed the MARQ's book of honour.

In this first edition, the prizes, worth 3,000 euros, went to the projects presented by the Asociación Condenados al Bordillo de la Comunidad Valenciana, the Asociación de Personas con Diversidad Funcional ADIS, the Obra Social Santa Luisa de Marillac-Hijas de la Caridad and the Asociación de padres y madres de niños con cáncer Aspanion. Also during the gala, the personal trajectory of the educator Amaya Gómez, founder of the ANMAG Association for the care of minors and women in situations of social vulnerability, and Fide Mirón, president of the Association of People with Disabilities of Ibi ADIBI for her fight to raise awareness of rare diseases, were recognised.