The archaeological site of the Cova de l'Or in Beniarrés resumes this Saturday 16 March its guided tour programme. The Fundación CV MARQ, together with the local Town Council, manages this interesting proposal, which offers visitors a complete tour of both the Interpretation Centre and the site itself.
The activity, available on Saturdays and Sundays until July 13begins with a guided visit to the Interpretation Centre which includes a tour of the museum and the projection of a video to contextualise the space and its surroundings. From there, the itinerary continues by vehicle -included in the service offered-. to the start of the trail leading to the site.
After a short walking tour where visitors can enjoy the rich flora and fauna of the Benicadell Valley, access to the interior of the cavewhere attendees receive a detailed explanation of the way of life, customs and practices of the people who lived there more than 7,000 years ago.
"The Cova de l'Or is an archaeological site of international reference of the Neolithic that has been converted into a site museum by the Diputación de Alicante, through the areas of Architecture and Culture, with the aim of protecting, disseminating and preserving its high historical value," said the deputy of Culture, Juan de Dios Navarro.
Those interested in this proposal can book their ticket or consult more information on the website The timetable for visits to the site and to the Interpretation Centre is from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and departures to the cave take place at 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. -Saturdays and Sundays-.