As A.D. 37-41
Roman Empire
Metal: Copper.
Issuing entity: Carthago Noua (Cartagena). Caligula.
Mint: Carthago Noua (Cartagena).
Date: A.D. 37-41
Laureate head of Caligula right. Legend: C CAESAR AVG GERMANIC AVG IMP P M TR [p cos].
Laureate head of Salus right, at sides SAL - AVG. Legend: [c n] ATEL FLAC CN POMP FLAC II VIR Q [v i n c].
Weight: 10.67 g - Diameter: 27 mm - Axes: 11 h.
Described in: RPC 185; Vives, 132, 7-10; Llorens Forcada, M. M., 1994: La ciudad de Carthago Nova: las emisiones romanas, Universidad de Murcia, XIX A; Ripollès Alegre, P. P., 2010: Las acuñaciones provinciales romanas de Hispania, Madrid, p. 139.
Published in:
Ripollès Alegre, P. P., 1982: La circulación monetaria en la Tarraconense (Monetary Circulation in Tarraconensis).
Mediterránea, Valencia, p. 230, plate 43, no. 302; Ramón Sánchez, J.J., García Barrachina, A., Verdú Parra, E., Bayo Fuentes, S., 2010: "Catálogo. Antigüedad", in Ramón Sánchez, J.J. (ed.), Monedas. Todas las caras de la Historia. Numismatic collections of the MARQ, Alicante, p. 110.
Monetary Inventory Number: 1388.
MARQ collection. Ancient Numismatic Collection
Cultural affiliation. | Roman Empire |
Metal. | Copper |
Issuing entities. | Carthago Noua (Cartagena). Caligula |
ECSC. | Carthago Noua (Cartagena) |
Site | Ancient Numismatic Fund |
Types | Currency |
Source | MARQ collections |