Splitter 221-218 BC.
Full Iberian
Metal: Copper.
Issuing entity: Carthago (Tunisia).
Mint: Hispano-Carthaginian.
Date: 221-218 BC.
Head of Tanit, rough, left.
Helmet, coarse, left.
Weight: 1.37 g - Diameter: 12 mm - Axes: 12 h.
Described in: CNH, 69, no. 46; Villaronga Garrigues, L., 1973, Las monedas hispano-cartaginesas, Barcelona, no. 117.
Published in:
Llobregat Conesa, E. A., 1966: "Un hallazgo de moneda púnica en Alicante", Caesaraugusta, 27-28, pp. 71-75; Ramón Sánchez, J. J., 2002: "El hallazgo de moneda hispanocartaginesa de La Escuera (Alicante)", X Congreso Nacional de Numismática, Albacete (1998), Madrid. pp. 244, 250; Ramón Sánchez, J.J., García Barrachina, A., Verdú Parra, E., Bayo Fuentes, S., 2010: "Catálogo. Antigüedad", in Ramón Sánchez, J.J. (ed.), Monedas. Todas las caras de la Historia. Numismatic collections of the MARQ, Alicante, p. 97.
Monetary Inventory Number: 2799.
A chance find. The Escuera
Cultural affiliation. | Full Iberian |
Metal. | Copper |
Issuing entities. | Carthago (Tunisia) |
ECSC. | Hispano-Carthaginian |
Site | La Escuera |
Types | Currency |
Source | Chance finding |
Population | Almoradí |