The Diputación de Alicante is organising an open day at the Almudaina Tower to coincide with its first year of opening.
- The Tower, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, has been restored and made into a museum by the Architecture Department.
The Provincial Council of Alicante has organised a special open day at the Almudaina Tower, coinciding with its first year of opening to the public.
The activity, which is free and open to the general public, will take place on Friday 13 August from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00.
Through this initiative, the provincial institution aims to make the Almudaina Tower known to the public after the completion of its restoration and museumisation by the Department of Architecture of the Provincial Council of Alicante.
The managing director of the MARQ, José Alberto Cortés, said that "the Almudaina Tower project has been very satisfactory after its first year of opening to the public. We have recovered for Alicante's Historical and Cultural Heritage a Tower of Almohad origin that belonged to private individuals and was in a state of ruin, and we have turned it into a cultural and tourist resource of the first order, not only for the town of Almudaina, but also for all the inland regions of the province".
José Alberto Cortés also pointed out that "its privileged location and its great height make the Tower a perfect vantage point from which to enjoy a wide and beautiful panoramic view of the Planes valley, which is connected to the castles and watchtowers in the interior of the province. In this way, it complements the heritage offer of the area".
After its opening to the public in August 2009, the Tower, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, has been integrated into the network of archaeological sites, archaeological parks and interpretation centres of MARQ and its Foundation. Visits can be arranged through the MARQ Visits Arrangement Service by calling 965.14.90.06 or at the Tower itself.