The MARQ Excavations Campaign concludes with important advances and discoveries in Callosa de Segura and Rojales.


       The sites of the Cabezo del Molino in Rojales and Slopes of the Castle in Callosa de Segura have concluded their respective excavation campaigns with relevant advances in terms of the age of findingsThe remains are thought to date back in some cases to more than 4,500 years ago. 

         The Vice-President and Member of Parliament for Culture, Julia Parraconfirmed that the seventh excavation campaign at the site in Callosa, promoted by the Diputación de Alicante through the MARQ, "has been carried out successfully, fulfilling several of its objectives". Pending confirmation of the age of the samples sent to the laboratory, everything seems to confirm the discovery of the remains of some of the first houses built in the area, which would turn the site into a one of the oldest Bronze Age settlements in the Valencia Region.

         In addition to a a wide range of everyday objects and artefacts, food remains and other evidence of daily life. found so far in Laderas del Castillo have provided valuable information about the economy and customs of the early Bronze Age communities in the south of the province of Alicante. At that time, the area was closely linked culturally with the neighbouring lands of Murcia and Almeria, in what is known as the 'Culture of El Argar'..

      On the other hand, and for the second consecutive year, the Sierra de la Bernada has hosted the excavation works in the archaeological site of the Cabezo del Molino24,000 was invested in the project, under the direction of MªTeresa Ximénez de Embún Sánchez and Juan Antonio López Padilla. The site became well known in the 1990s with the structural and material evidence of installations of as yet undetermined functionality but dated to between the 8th and 9th centuries AD, as well as some apparently isolated multiple burial pits.