The Culture and Sports Commission of the Diputación de Alicante has agreed to request the free transfer of ownership of the archaeological site of the Tossal de Manises to the Directorate-General for State Property of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration. Today, the park retains its entire urban area - around 25,000 square metres-The city is enclosed by a wall with a perimeter of approximately 600 metres.
In this way, the Diputación de Alicante would take over permanently the management, custody and preservation The museum already carries out these tasks through the MARQ and the Architecture Department, but it has to renew them periodically. Likewise, the acquisition of this site will make it possible to increase equity provincial archaeological site.
The Member of Parliament for Culture Juan Bautista Roselló has pointed out that This is one of the most important archaeological sites in the province of Alicante, where archaeological excavations and interventions are periodically carried out with the aim of disseminating its contents and improving its facilities to make them more accessible..
Located in the city of Alicante, the Tossal de Manises has a long history of research, which began in the year 1776 when Antonio Valcárcel and Pius of Savoy -Count of Lumiares - carried out the first known excavation works. During the following years, the site was sporadically excavated until, in the early 1990s, the MARQ initiated a programme of recovery and enhancement of the remains that culminated in the opening to the public of what has become the the first archaeological park in the Valencian Community.
So far this year, a total of 6,179 people have visited this enclave, where they have been able to enjoy not only its contents, but also the various cultural activities that it organises periodically, such as the dramatised visits or guided tours.
The Roman city of Tossal de Manises is considered as one of the most important one of the most important archaeological parks in the Community, declared Historical and Artistic Monument in 1961..