The Alicante Provincial Council has drawn up a Special Plan for the Protection of the Almudaina Towerlocated in the region of El Comtat, to preserve the historic enclave of great archaeological value.
The Member of Parliament for Architecture, Carmen SellésThis morning he met with the mayor of Almudaina, Pau Navarroto hand over the document that establishes the rules for the protection of this monument, protected by the Law of Historical Heritage. The Tower of Islamic origin was inscribed in the General Register of Assets of Cultural Interest more than a decade ago and the refurbishment, carried out by the Diputación, took place between 2006 and 2009.
Sellés expressed his satisfaction with this new plan, drawn up by the Architecture Department of the provincial institution, "which delimits the surroundings of the building, regulating in detail the requirements to which the acts of building, land use and activities affecting the building and its protected environment must be subject". The deputy also recalled the important historical and heritage value of this legacy that "contributes to boosting cultural activity in the region by showing its historical and scenic wealth".
The Almudaina Almohad Tower was opened to the public for the first time on 14th August 2009 to introduce visitors to the knowledge and enjoyment of its architecture and history. The enclave was part of the fortified enclosure of the existing small farmhouse, known as 'al-Mudayyina'. and the origin of the present name of the town.
Situated in the interior of the province, at 587 metres above sea level and with just over a hundred inhabitants.Almudaina is an agricultural village whose history is linked to this Almohad Islamic tower erected at an undetermined time in the Middle Ages. first half of the 13th centuryto defend their small farmstead at the gates of the Christian conquest.