La Illeta, A Sea of History

Best Replica Watches

The impressive archaeological site of the Illeta dels Banyets is getting ready to host the summer cycle of dramatised visits which are part of the Agreement for the Promotion of the Site as a tourist attraction signed between El Campello Town Council and the MARQ Foundation of the Valencian Community, which has been renewed every year since 2013.

These theatrical performances aim to bring the history of the Illeta and the municipality of El Campello closer to all kinds of visitors in an agile and entertaining way, using humour and interaction between the actors and the audience to transmit the way of daily life developed throughout history in this small enclave.

Undoubtedly, the fact of uniting the site and the watchtower in the representation is a great success, as it allows the historical section covered to be extended and shows the evolution of the different cultures that inhabited this extraordinary peninsula on the coast of Alicante.

Moreover, in this edition, the script has been modified to make room for new characters and to add prehistory to the historical periods narrated. As an added attraction this year, it should be noted that the latest archaeological excavations carried out in the Illeta have allowed the museum space to be enlarged and offer visitors new routes and scenarios for the performance.

The drama performances can be enjoyed by the whole family and will take place on Saturdays in July and August and the first half of September. Tickets are on sale now at