The exhibition Rupestre. The first sanctuaries of the MARQ will compete this year for the prestigious German Design Awards.


The exhibition 'Rupestre. The first sanctuariesexhibited by MARQ in 2018 is this year's candidate for the prestigious German Design Awardan international reference in the world of design. The Director of the Department of Architecture of the Diputación de Alicante, Rafael Pérezand the architect Angel Rocamora were in charge of the project for this exhibition with which the MARQ paid tribute to four decades of research, conservation and enhancement of rock art in the province.

"This renowned award, given by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology, recognises and praises those products, projects, manufacturers and designers that are innovative on the international design scene," explained the vice-president and deputy for Culture, Julia Parra.

In addition, and coinciding with the European Day of Rock Art which takes place this wednesday 9 octoberthe Diputación de Alicante and the Castell de Castells Town Hall have programmed, for the first time, a open day with free admission to the Interpretation Centre of Rock Art in the municipality.

This initiative is also joined by the MARQ, the Almudaina Almohad Tower and the archaeological sites of the Tossal de Manises and the Illeta dels Banyets, which will be open free of charge from 10:00 to 14:00 hours..

For twenty years, the provincial institution and the MARQ Foundation have been working together with the Castell de Castells town council on the recovery, protection and enhancement of the group of rock art shelters and paintings that exist in the municipality, a valuable artistic legacy declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The fencing of the paintingsthe installation of information boardsthe construction, commissioning and subsequent renovation of the Interpretation Centre or the development of an extensive research programmeThe project, aimed at understanding and contextualising the images, are some of the many actions that have been carried out and in which the Diputación de Alicante has invested more than one million euros.

Prehistoric Art

The institution's commitment to the cultural and historical heritage treasured by the territory extends to other municipalities such as Beniarréswhere the Provincial Council has allocated more than 100,000 euros for the enhancement of the Cova de l'Or, o Vall de Gallinerawhere various interventions have been carried out in the shelters of Benialí and Benirrama, with a provincial investment of 110,000 euros.