- The Grand Cavalcade of the Royal Postmen organised by the provincial institution will travel through the streets of the capital to the Town Hall Square, where a children's show will take place.
- The craft market, the arrival of Father Christmas, the elves' toy factory, the traditional 'Belén de la Dipu' and circus shows are some of the proposals for these holidays.
- The MARQ will be offering an extensive programme of activities both in the museum and at the Tossal de Manises archaeological site, where the 'III Jornadas de recreación histórica de Lucentum' will take place.
- The proposals are spread throughout the province with children's and family theatre performances in Valencian and Spanish, as well as concerts by orchestras, choirs and traditional music.
Once again this year the Alicante Provincial Council is decked out to welcome the Christmas and offer a a host of activities and proposals to enjoy these days with the family. The Father Christmas' visita christmas market, workshops, circus shows and rides will fill the gardens of the Provincial Palace with illusion and colour. In addition, the MARQ and as has become traditional, will offer a wide-ranging programme designed for all ages, which will take place both in the museum and at the Tossal de Manises.
The Deputy for Culture, César Augusto AsencioThis morning, he presented the calendar of proposals that will run until next year. 6 January and which will take place all over the province with performances from children's and family theatremany of them in the Valencian language, as well as concerts by orchestras, choirs and traditional music. On Thursday 13 December, the President of the Diputación, César Sánchezwill inaugurate the Christmas market and on Friday 14 in the afternoon it will arrive Father Christmaswho will be set up in the gardens until the 24th to collect the children's letters. After Christmas Eve, it will be the Royal Page the one to take over, from the 26 December to 5 January.
But without a doubt, one of the most awaited moments will be the The Great Cavalcade of the Royal Postmen and Postwomena parade organised by the Diputación de Alicante, which will start at 18:00 hours the day 4 January and will travel through the streets of the city until it reaches the Plaza del Ayuntamiento. There, children and adults will be able to enjoy a children's show at 19:00 hours and they will also be able to hand in the letters written to the Three Wise Men.
In addition, the following have been organised parades, workshops, games storytelling, karaoke sessions and circus shows, an unforgettable day for the little ones that will conclude with a spectacular fire closures. All these initiatives are in addition to the Nativity Scenes Exhibition which is on display in the Exhibition Hall of the Provincial Council, where the public can also enjoy the exhibition ".The language does not reach the words'. of the artist Eutiquio Estirado.
Christmas at MARQ
For its part, the MARQ will once again be fully involved in these festivities with its traditional lighting of the tree and an intense evening of activities. The event will take place on friday 14 december starting at 18:30 hours and will also feature children's workshops, family games, the wishing well, the chestnut tree and a fun proposal from animation. After the switching on of the lights at 19:00, the 'Aulas de la 3ª Edad' (ASAUTE) choir will perform.
And now in the midst of the Christmas holidays, the days of 26, 27 and 28 December there will be theatrical performances at 12 noon with free admission limited to the capacity of the museum's Assembly Hall. The educational workshops will take place on the same days and extend their offer on 2 and 3 January. Thus, the little ones will be able to enjoy this proposal and, together with their family, the exhibitions 'Rupestre. The first sanctuaries' and 'Plastihistory of Humanity'.. Both are about to come to an end, which is why MARQ has organised a days of DOORS OPEN the days 4 and 5 January, to celebrate especially the closing of the one dedicated to our first art: 'Rupestre' with all the people of Alicante and with those who visit the city during these days. In addition to the 21 December to 6 JanuaryMARQ will be present at ExpoNadal (IFA) with its own stand and workshops. Once again this year, those who come to the museum during these days will be able to show their solidarity with a new campaign of food collection for the benefit of the Foundation Food Bank of Alicante.
Finally, this same weekend, on the following days 15 and 16 December the archaeological site of the Tossal de Manisses will host the III Conference of Historical Recreation in Lucentum'. from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm. Lucentum Reviviscit is a dramatisation of everyday Roman life in the city of Alicante, performed by the Hispania Romana Association, which will represent the funeral of an illustrious citizenwith the procession, the laudatio and the cremation ritual.