For the second year running, the centres and museums of the city of Alicante are joining forces to celebrate 'La Noche en Blancoan original and attractive cultural initiative that includes among its proposals open days, guided tours, concerts and educational workshops. The MUBAGthe MARQ and the Juan Gil-Albert Institute are some of the venues that have joined this activity that will take place on friday 22nd july and which will be held at night.
The Member of Parliament for Culture and Education, César Augusto Asencioand the Councillor for Culture of Alicante City Council, Daniel SimonThis morning, they presented all the details of this initiative, which is aimed at to encourage citizen participation in the cultural proposals that are developed in the municipality.. The event was also attended by the director of the Language and Culture Service of the University of Alicante, Faust Ripollthe director of the Volvo Ocean Race Museum, Laura Urrutiaand the Director of Populations of Aguas de Alicante, Sergio SanchezThe European Commission has also joined this proposal.
In this sense, the deputy explained that ".This initiative, which allows citizens to enjoy culture in a fun and different way, was created in Paris in 2002 and since then it has been spreading to different cities in Europe.".
For its part, the Archaeological Museum of Alicante, which will have free entry from 6 p.m. until 1 a.m.has organised a dramatised visit to the international exhibition "Vikings. Warriors of the North. Giants of the Sea".. The activity, which will begin at 21:00 and will last approximately fifty minutes, will feature two actors dressed in period costumes who will explain to the public the history, customs, beliefs and way of life of this Nordic people.
In addition, MARQ has programmed a series of guided tours The exhibition will compare the Viking civilisation and the different cultures shown in the rooms that make up the permanent collection of the centre. The titles and times of the shows will be: Navigation and Trade, at 21:30; Society and Lifestyles, at 22:30; and Religious Beliefs, at 23:30. Another of the activities scheduled for Friday 22 July is the performance by the Coral Alacant which, under the leadership of Ramón Joverwill give a concert at 10 p.m. in the museum's Assembly Hall.