The latest studies on our Archaeological Heritage are presented in the Marq




The VI Jornadas de Arqueología de la Comunidad Valenciana, which will take place this Friday and Saturday at the MARQ, have been organised by the Archaeology Sections of the Colleges of Doctors and Graduates of Alicante and Valencia-Castellón, with the collaboration of the Diputación de Alicante, through the Museo Arqueológico Provincial, the Fundación CV-MARQ, the Ayuntamiento de Alicante and the Consellería de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte. A series of talks and conferences specially designed to serve as a forum in which professionals can present their projects and interventions in the field of our archaeological heritage.

The conference, for which more than 150 people have already registered, will end on Sunday 17th with a guided tour of the Santa Bárbara Castle by the head of Municipal Integral Heritage, José Manuel Pérez Burgos, on the occasion of the Alicante City Council's proposal to apply for World Heritage status by presenting its defensive system. v