All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

23 February, 2018

Visit Christian Gálvez

The Archaeological Museum of Alicante has received this afternoon the visit of the well known TV presenter of [...]
14 February, 2018

The Maya inside

The prestigious portal dedicates an extensive and meticulous report to the latest international exhibition that has [...]
13 February, 2018

MARQ is committed to young people

  The Fundación CV MARQ has renewed its commitment to join the Carnet Jove programme. [...]
30 January, 2018

MARQ, rallying for another year

    The Sabinar Raid UMH team, formed by UMH engineering students, [...]
26 January, 2018

The Mayans return home

    The Guatemalan pieces in the exhibition Mayas. The Enigma of the Lost Cities [...]
17 January, 2018

MARQ at FITUR 2018

      Once again this year, MARQ forms part of the tourist offer that [...]
16 January, 2018

Thailand's ambassador, enthusiastic about MARQ

  The Thai ambassador to Spain, Ms Rattikul Chansuriya, travelled to Spain last Friday to meet with the Thai ambassador to Spain, Ms Rattikul Chansuriya. [...]
9 January, 2018

The Mayans return to Guatemala

  It has been an unforgettable seven months, during which we have learnt a lot about the very rich [...]
8 January, 2018

Massive farewell to the MAYAS

Richard Mille Replica The Mayas bid farewell to the MARQ after a seven-month stay between [...]