All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

24 May, 2017

Fusion of cultures

         A large number of people gathered this afternoon in the centre of [...]
18 May, 2017

La Caixa with the Mayans

    Felipe Pulido, Commercial Director of CaixaBank in the Comunitat Valenciana and the President of CaixaBank in Valencia [...]
12 May, 2017

The Marq, Museum of Europe

    Alicante has celebrated Europe Day with an initiative that puts the spotlight on the [...]
5 May, 2017

The Maya come to the Marq

      With the last rays of the Mediterranean sun, the Archaeological Museum was arriving to the [...]
3 May, 2017

The Marq with the Santa Eulalia Colony

      This coming Saturday will see the culmination of one of the most unique school projects and [...]