All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

19 June, 2013

A Night at MARQ

A new activity has been added to the wide range of educational activities that MARQ has been developing: [...]
12 June, 2013

series of conferences at MARQ

  Hallstatt is one of the most important sites of European prehistory, once the site of the [...]
11 June, 2013

Conference at the MARQ for teachers

During the day, teachers will get to know one of the most important archaeological sites in Europe: the [...]
16 May, 2013

Inauguration of the BOOK CORNER

The MARQ pays tribute to the tercentenary of the birth of the illustrious scientist and sailor from Alicante, Jorge [...]
8 May, 2013

BARQ opens its doors.

As of today, BARQ opens its doors to the visiting public.  [...]