All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

19 April, 2013

Call for applications 2013

    The annual call for applications for four scholarships for training in museography is now open. [...]
17 April, 2013

Move to the past in TRAM

  On 21 April, Sunday, as part of the cultural days of the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, the [...]
15 April, 2013

CONFERENCE AT THE MARQ Next Wednesday, in the MARQ Auditorium, at 19.00, we will have at 19.00 [...]
27 March, 2013


The opening times of the MARQ, the Almudaina Tower and the archaeological sites of Tossal de Almudaina and the [...]
25 March, 2013

Easter Week activities at MARQ

Once again this year, CLUB LLUMIQ, the club of our youngest friends, is organising a lot of activities for the [...]
15 March, 2013

MARQ will be closed on 19 March.

We would like to inform all our friends and visitors that on 19 March, the next [...]