All the news, all the history of the Archaeological Museum

The institution offers on this page all the relevant publications that happen
and have taken place around the Marq environment.

21 November, 2012

Archaeology in Alicante

The II Jornadas de Arqueología y Patrimonio Alicantino (2nd Conference on Archaeology and Heritage in Alicante) will address the achievements and problems of the [...]
16 November, 2012

The MARQ's signoguides on TVE

On 11 November 2012, technicians from the Sign Area of the Taller Digital de [...]
9 November, 2012


On 8 November, the MARQ conference hall hosted the event, [...]
8 November, 2012

Photo session

Swiss Replica Watches
4 October, 2012

Open days at MARQ on 9 and 12 October

The MARQ and its archaeological sites are holding Open Days on the 9th and 9th of October. [...]
27 September, 2012

World Tourism Day

  Dramatised visit to the international exhibition "The Treasure of the Barbarians" To mark the occasion [...]