Flat Rod
Cova d'en Pardo (Planes) Worked bone h: 23 cm; w: 1.8 cm; d: 0.3 cm Chalcolithic 3,000 - 2,500 BC.
An elongated bone object with a pointed end. The surface is faceted using abrasion and polishing techniques. The shaft has convergent edges towards the distal end, a very flat lenticular section and a constant thickness along its entire length. Made from the diaphysis or rib of a medium or large mammal.
Interpreted as an ornamental item probably used to hold hair. They are usually found associated with burials, which together with other objects of adornment and tools, formed part of the funerary trousseau. Similar rods have been published from this site and others such as the Cova de la Barcella, in Torremanzanas or the Cova de la Pastora, in Alcoy.
C.S.: 3907
Highlights Prehistoric Room
- ................................................. Penya Negra (Crevillent) Gold h: 43,4 mm; w: 21mm Orientalising 7th century BC.
- ................................................. Laderas del Castillo (Callosa de Segura) Furgús Collection Arsenic copper h: 16.6 cm; w: 8.4 cm; h: 0.8 cm Argaric Bronze 2,300 - 1,600 BC.
- ................................................. Mola d'Agres (Agres, Alicante Bronze h: 7,2cm ; w: 2,8 cm ; e: 0.2 cm Final Bronze 800 - 500 b.C.
- ................................................. Penya Negra (Crevillent) Sandstone h: 16'7 cm; w: 8'3cm; d: 4'3 cm Final Bronze 800-550 BC.
- ................................................. Cova de la Barcella, (Torremanzanas)Bone38 x 13 x 3 mmCalcolithicFirst half of the 3rd millennium BC.
- ................................................ Cova de l'Or (Beniarrés) Ceramics h: 10 cm; w: 12'3 cm Neolithic Ancient Neolithic
- ................................................. Cova del Montgó (Xàbia) Ceramics h: 16 cm; w: 14.5 cm; e: 0.7 Neolithic. Ca. 4000 BC
- ................................................. Cova d'en Pardo (Planes) Worked bone h: 23 cm; w: 1.8 cm; d: 0.3 cm Chalcolithic 3,000 - 2,500 BC.
- ................................................. Cova de les Cendres (Moraira, Teulada) Bone h: 11.4 cm; w: 1.13 cm; d: 0.71 cm Upper Palaeolithic Upper Magdalenian Final Upper Magdalenian
- ................................................. Tossal de la Roca (La Vall d'Alcalá, Alicante) Chalky limestone h: 10.5 cm; w: 6.5 cm; d: 3 cm Upper Palaeolithic Late Upper Magdalenian
- ................................................. Beneito Cave (Muro d'Alcoi) Human bones h: 17.6 cm; w: 10 cm; d: 13.5 cm Upper Palaeolithic Solutreogravetian, 17.000 BP