Come to MARQ to celebrate International Museum Day

The MARQ has scheduled Open Days from 17 to 19 May, both in the museum and in the archaeological sites and monuments it manages, to celebrate International Museum Day with all the people of Alicante and those who visit us during these days. Three days in which we have programmed a wide range of leisure and cultural activities centred on the International Exhibition "Iran. Cradle of Civilisations" which will show us the MARQ as a cultural hub that tells our history through the sites and monuments it manages. This 2019 the slogan chosen to commemorate this great cultural festival is "Museums as cultural hubs: The future of traditions", with the aim of highlighting the new roles played by museums as active players in their communities, as museums have become cultural hubs that function as platforms where creativity is combined with knowledge and where visitors can co-create, share and interact.

Activities at the Museum include family theatre, workshops, storytelling and musical performances. The Lucentum and Illeta dels Banyets archaeological sites will also have animated visits by the Hispania Romana historical recreation group, workshops and treasure hunts. A weekend full of fun and culture for the whole family. All activities are free and have limited capacity; registration can be made at the MARQ and archaeological parks ticket offices.