Invitations to tender

"Guide service and customer service for the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante MARQ, Archaeological Sites and Monuments (Tossal de Manises-LUCENTUM, Illeta dels Banyets and Torre de Almudaina), managed by the Foundation of the Valencian Community-MARQ.

Date of announcement: 

2020-07-22 17:36:24

File number:


Date of submission of tenders:

Opening of tenders:

Subject matter of the contract:

"Guide service and customer service for the Provincial Archaeological Museum of Alicante MARQ, Archaeological Sites and Monuments (Tossal de Manises-LUCENTUM, Illeta dels Banyets and Torre de Almudaina), managed by the Foundation of the Valencian Community-MARQ.

Tender budget:

654.124,54 € (VAT EXCLUDED)

Pazo de ejecución:


Additional text:

This tender was published on the State Procurement Platform on 22 July 2020.

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